Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Volunteers Needed!

Hey, theater supporters, An opportunity to participate in the magic of Silent Movies in the Park After Dark. Take a look at this list and see if there's something you' d like to do. There's set up and take down and preshow performing. Please email Sandy at vanvelsor@gmail.com and let her know how you can support this activity. Some of you have already responded. Thanks! -Sandy

Saturday, September 14
Screen setup
Screen take down
LCT table (donations and sell CD)
LCT table set up
SCT table take down
MC preshow and introduce movie
Perform in preshow (you or someone you can suggest)
Sing in preshow (you or someone you can suggest)
A kid to do magic tricks?
Wear giant puppet costume around

Sunday, September 15
Screen setup
Screen take down
LCT table (donations and sell CD)
LCT table set up
SCT table take down
MC preshow and introduce movie
Perform in preshow (you or someone you can suggest)
Sing in preshow (you or someone you can suggest)
A kid to do magic tricks?
Wear giant puppet costume around