Friday, December 3, 2010
Winter Play Reading Series - The Cemetery Club - Dec. 9, 6:30
Have you ever thought about joining a book club, but don't have the time to read the book ahead of time to participate in the discussion? Has the thought of participating in community theater intrigued you, but you weren't sure if it would be right for you? If these or similar thoughts have crossed your mind, then the LCT has the event for you! On December 9th at 6:30 the LCT will be hosting a reading of the script for its upcoming production of The Cemetery Club. The reading will be held at the Lanesboro library and there is no preparation required. The script will be read and participants will have a chance to discuss their thoughts on the play. This is not an audition and does not require any further participation on your part, it is simply an opportunity for community members to share in the reading and discussion of scripts. For more information, please contact 467-3408 or email hiddencreekfarmjn@hotmail.com