We are going to have a play reading on Thursday night at 6:00 at the Lanesboro Library. Come and join us to read "Leaving Iowa", which is a possibility for our winter play!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Silent Movies were a HIT!
A big thank you to everyone who came to see our "Silent Movies in the Park After Dark"! We had about 200 on Saturday night and 225 on Sunday! Everyone loved seeing themselves, their neighbors and friends in Rumplestiltskin, Sleeping Beauty, and The Three Bikers and the Trail Troll. Thank you all of our volunteers who acted in the movies, who helped behind the scenes, who helped set up the nights of the showing, who entertained the nights of the showing, and everyone else who was involved in any way - and there were many of you!